Tuesday, 6 April 2021


How to buy an Instagram account correctly?


Let's start with a logical question - why buy someone's account on this social platform at all? After all, Instagram promotion services allow you to increase the channel's indicators from zero to significant in a matter of days. It all depends on how intensively you will order the promotion of followers on Instagram and other SMM services. The only limitation is activity limits, so as not to attract a lot of attention (after all, the promotion of likes on Instagram is prohibited by the rules of the site).

Nevertheless, for many, buying a group is much more attractive than promoting their own - after all, it is necessary to order a boost of followers on Instagram, post something regularly, analyze the market, work with the audience, engage in targeting, and do a dozen more different things. The group is simpler in this regard - you do not need to order a promotion on Instagram, because you get a community with an already recruited active audience - usually from 1000 users, but the most profitable in terms of price / potential ratio are channels with 10-15 thousand followers.

·         Firstly, it is obvious that users in the community could be recruited through the promotion of followers on Instagram. That is, it will not be people at all, but bots. There are cases when the number of followers in the sold groups reached 70% of the total audience.

·         In order not to buy a group in which there are actually much fewer people than stated, you need to analyze the channel in advance through a special service. Fortunately, there are plenty of such services on the Internet and they are easily found by the target query in the search bar.

·         Another important point is the dynamics of audience growth. Boosting likes on Instagram Stories and other services in this direction allow you to get the illusion of high activity in the shortest time to attract attention. In reality, the first 1000-2000 subscribers are recruited within 3-6 months.

·         The "first thousand" really takes the most time, further growth is already exponential, especially if you, as they say, caught the wave. Therefore, when buying a ready-made account, take a look - when it was created and how often new subscribers were added to it.

·         It is always more profitable to buy a progressive community - this is a community whose number of subscribers is constantly growing (albeit not by leaps and bounds). An additional indicator will be activity parameters - the number of likes and comments.

·         However, remember that cheating comments on Instagram and cheating likes on Instagram are the most popular services in the field of cheating. This means that it is advisable to monitor the group for some time before buying, to make sure that all the activity is real, and not faked.

Two points are important here. First, you shouldn't buy a group younger than 6 months, because there is a high probability that its owner ordered a cheat on Instagram. The fact is that the site actively bans communities, which grow to tens of thousands of subscribers in the very first months. Because with rare exceptions, this is technically impossible.

Moreover, if, having bought such an account, you yourself begin to actively promote it and there will be a powerful growth of followers (not necessarily through boosting followers on Instagram, it may well be, say, successful targeting), then there is a risk of being banned. That is, you will attract the attention of the moderators, they will track the activity in the group, understand that you used to cheat a lot, and rightly ban you for violating the rules of the site. And it will not matter what it was not you, but the previous owner of the account.

The second point is the selection of topics. That is, you buy a group with an audience that is already tailored for certain content - it is interesting for this audience and is in demand from it. Therefore, try to select the topic of the group as close as possible to the topic of the materials that you are going to post in the future. As a rule, entertainment groups and general information groups are bought - they are the easiest to monetize.


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